
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Natural Homemaking: Juicing

Most people like some type of juice...but imagine having it freshly made! When juice is freshly made (juiced) the enzymes and vitamins are more potent giving you a very healthy dose of many things you need! You can juice fruits and vegetables...and it is delicious!

In April of this year, my husband bought me a Jack LaLanne Power Juicer.  It works GREAT! It is not the most efficient so there is a fair amount of pulp (non-juice) left, but for us juicing once a day, it is very good.  I am not sure what type of juicer Missy and Chip have, but I know theirs is more expensive but also much more efficient.  This saves them money as they use it way more than I do, so it saves them money on fruit.  Since we only do it about once a day, it was better for us to get a more mid-grade quality one and save the money on the machine.

Photo Courtesy
There are many different recipes to juice, but in reality - have fun with it! We have made melon combos, vegetable combos, and fruit/vegetable combos.  We usually just use whatever we have on hand.  My husband loves carrot juice, so anytime I juice for him, it usually has carrots in it with an abundance of fruit.  I don't usually do as many vegetables, as I tend to put those in green smoothies instead.

Juicing is a great way to get important vitamins and enzymes, while drinking delicious juice of fresh fruit.  It tastes amazing, and it is a great way to begin going a natural, healthy route.


  1. Awesome! You didn't tell me you now have a juicer!

    1. Oops. hehe. Sorry. We got one back in April. :)

  2. I LOVE juicing! We have one, too. We juice carrots, beets, and every kind of fruit. :) It's not only fun, it's really good for you!

    1. Yes, indeed it is! I am so glad you enjoy it =! :) Blessings!
