
Friday, September 21, 2012

Discovery Friday - Kitchen Organizing

Photo Courtesy

Amazing what a bit of good kitchen organizing can do!  Here's a few ideas that might help you to organize your kitchen.  (Or if your like me, save the pictures and ideas for when you have your own kitchen!)

What a fun and easy way to organize canned food! >>

Photo Courtesy
 The above picture is not actually organizing per-say, 
but using an old ladder for decoration - 
what could be more fun and creative!

Photo Courtesy

What a fun idea!  Use a cheap cookie sheet to create a menu board to plan out your weekly menu!  I am going to make one of these someday! 

Photo Courtesy
And of course, refrigerator organizing!  I love this!


  1. I love the magnetic menu plan idea... I might have to try that :)

  2. Yes! I like that idea too! I have not yet tried it but I would like to. I think Sarah made one though.

    1. I actually started one but must admit I never finished. :-/ hehe.
