
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Natural Homemaking: Cleaning (Part 2)

Welcome to the second installment of Natural Homemaking: Cleaning! This just goes over a few more basic "recipes" for natural cleaning supplies! Here we go!

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Toilet and Bathtub Scrubbing Compound
2 cups baking soda
1/2 cup liquid soap (I use whatever is generic and cheapest)
3/4 cup water
3 Tbsp vinegar
4-5 drops Lavender or Tea Tree Oil

Combine the above ingredients and then pour into a squeeze bottle of some sort. I use an old dishsoap container as it is what I had on hand. This compound I use on anything I also use it on my porcelain kitchen and bathroom sink. 

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Carpet Deodorizer
1/2 Cup borax
1 Cup cornmeal

Mix together.  Sprinkle on carpet.  Let sit for 45-90 minutes. Vacuum up. (Some people have told me to be careful not to do this too often as sometimes the borax can damage a vacuum - so just want to throw that warning out there. If you are really worried about it, look it up in your owner's manual. I haven't had a problem, however.)

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