
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Do We Work to Please Him?

My husband is in the Coast Guard, and it is rather common that he is gone for long lengths of time.  Whenever he comes home from an extended time away I try to do a few things (I try to do much of this on a daily basis, but even more so when he has been away for a time).  These “things” include making sure the house is clean, there are fresh sheets and towels, dinner is prepped early so we have time to talk and be together, and that everything is nice and orderly so that when he comes home he doesn’t have to worry about any of it.  Does it always happen? No.  Do I make an effort to do it? Yes.  

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 But, I don’t usually stop there.  I also try to look nice for him.  I usually find a shirt that I know he likes and top it with a sweater (because I am always cold), and find a skirt that looks nice with the top.  I paint my toenails and sometimes my fingernails.  I take a shower and make sure my hair looks nice.  Why? Because I want to be attractive and pleasing to him. I want him to look at me and be pleased and to know that I want to please him.

While going about this routine, it got me to thinking. My husband is the most important person in my life, followed very shortly by my son, who is very shortly followed by my parents and siblings. I work so hard to please them.  I strive to look nice for my husband. I strive to make this house that we live in pleasant for my husband and son and welcoming to family and friends. I spend hours thinking of ways I can do it better. But do I do all of this for my Lord?  Do I evaluate my actions to see if I am pleasing to Him? Do I dress in ways that please Him – in a modest, wholesome way? Do I see that His house, my heart, is clean and not filled with clutter that is not pleasing to Him? If I strive so hard to please my husband (and son and family and friends), how much more should I strive to please God?

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Some of it goes together.  By working to please my husband, I will be pleasing my Lord.  By maintaining my house and guiding my son, I will be pleasing my Lord.  By making an effort to reach out and be hospitable to family and friends, I will be pleasing my Lord. But there is so much more that should be done to please Him, and there is so much that we can do on a daily basis.

I still am going to prepare my house and myself for my husband’s return as much as I can.  But to add to that list, while I am doing it, I hope I will remember that there is One who is even more important – our God.  It is He who we must ultimately please.

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