
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Natural Remedies: Peppermint Oil

A while back, I did a couple of posts on essential oils.  These oils are amazing natural remedies that can be used individually or combined with many other types.  One of the most popular essential oils is peppermint oil.

Photo Courtesy

So what is peppermint oil used for? Peppermint oil is used for so many different things including:
  • Headaches (and other places as a similar pain killer)
  • Dermatitis and Eczema
  • Inflammation and itching skin
  • Nausea
  • Parasites
  • Colic
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Cough, and Asthma
  • ....and many, many more!
Photo Courtesy
How can some of these things be cured...or how can some of these symptoms be diminished?  Let me share some common ways that I or others use.

I use it most commonly for my headaches. I place 1-2 drops on my finger and rub it into my temples.  Both my husband and I get almost immediate results! The only issue with this is don't get it in or near the'll regret it! (Trust me, I've done the testing for you!)

For stomach problems, you can use approximately 5 drops of peppermint oil rubbed on the stomach to take away pain and other symptoms.

When an injury is hurting or swollen, you can rub peppermint oil over this area to not only reduce the swelling, but also to reduce the pain.  Do not put on open wounds, however! This will also work for arthritis or tendonitis.

To improve concentration, memory, and alertness, peppermint oil (1-2 drops ONLY) can be applied directly under the nose and some say it can be placed under the tongue.  I have never tried it under my tongue (quite honestly, I am not brave enough to do so) but if you your research and then try it.  And if you do try it, let me know how that goes (I am curious, I'll admit...just not brave).  However, I have tried it under my nose and it works very well!  By placing it under the nose, it also helps reduce congestion and aid my breathing when I am stuffed up or sick.

If you have itchy skin, you can rub peppermint oil on it to stop the itching.  If you do this, however, make sure the skin is not broken ...applying it to broken skin will cause more irritation and some pain. (Once again, I know from experience.)

I have also read that if you apply peppermint oil to the bottoms of a patient's feet when they are sick with the fever, the peppermint oil will help lower or even eliminate the fever.  I have not tried this one yet, but next time I have a fever (or my husband or my son does) then I do plan on trying it!

There are many other ways to use peppermint oil, and I am sure I don't even know a quarter of this amazing oil's uses!  However, even with my very limited knowledge in peppermint oil, my husband calls it my "cure all."  If someone is hurt or not feeling well, my first question often is "Have you tried peppermint oil?"  Most of the time it works, too!  So next time you are reaching for tylenol or some other form common medicine, think again, and maybe look into the usage of peppermint oil!  I am no expert, nor do I claim to be, so do your research and do not take my word as a "medical professional" - I am not one by any means! But the use of peppermint oil has really made my life closer to medicine-free while still eliminating some of the pain and ailments that I had. Happy researching!

Photo Courtesy
PLEASE NOTE: These are only natural home remedies that no professional has reviewed or written.  This is not to take the place of professional medical advice, it is merely to aid you at home.  If you are concerned, it is best to call your doctor and follow instructions given by him/her.

Also, please pay particular attention during use of essential oils in regards to which oils are safe for pregnant women and children.  There are many that should not be used, although some are perfectly safe.  For other important information, please see my May 9th, 2012, post titled "Natural Remedies: Essential Oils."

1 comment:

  1. I currently have peppermint oil and rosemary oil ordered. :) Yay!
