
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Important Request from My Family

          Several of you know that over the past two years my family and I have been dealing with some very difficult circumstances in our home, but only a few of you know the reason.  My mom is suffering from a very serious condition that is caused by severe abuse and trauma from earlier in her life.  In the past two years, this condition has really taken its toll on her and the rest of us as well.  In September 2011, we discovered that the problem was far worse than we had originally thought, but we did not begin to really understand it until over the holiday season.  I prefer not to mention the name of this condition, but very few people even know that it exists.  We have kept very silent about this and have been doing everything that we can to find a solution, but now we are really in need of help.  Many of you have been praying for the unknown needs of my family, and for that I am grateful, but now I ask that you would consider going a step farther.  There are many Biblical accounts of problems that cannot be solved except through prayer AND fasting.  This has been pressing on my heart for sometime now and I humbly ask that you would pray about doing this for my family.  If you decide to fast for us, please try to keep it a secret, as according to Matthew chapter 6, so that your reward may be stored up in Heaven.  There is no need for you to comment on this post, I do not need to know who is praying and fasting - the Lord will know and that is what matters.  It would be marvelous if this message could be passed along in churches, meetings, and Bible studies because for a situation as serious as ours, we can use as much help as we can get.  For those of you who do not know her, my mom’s name is Brenda.  Thank you to everyone who is praying, and more thanks to those of you who decide to fast for us.  I am excited to someday be able to share with you the great miracle that the Lord will do through this act of faith.  

Lord bless,  


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