
Monday, July 18, 2011


By Lisa

I was thinking about joy and happiness the other day and realizing that I hear so many people complaining that life is hard and that life is unhappy.  Well, yes, life is hard…but that’s to be expected.  But we don’t have to let a hard, fascinating life make us unhappy.  I get caught in the trap, as well, at times so I am not without fault.  When life gets overwhelming and difficult I start feeling

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Green Smoothie Anyone???

Green Smoothie Anyone???
Posted by Lisa
July 14, 2011

Now some of you might think this is nuts -- others might think it is completely normal -- but, every morning, my family and I drink green smoothies for breakfast!  Yes, this means we put vegetables in our smoothies.  Primarily spinach.  And, no, it is not disgusting.

This morning, I made a smoothie for myself for breakfast

"Respect Me"

“Respect Me”
Posted by Missy on July 14, 2011
Written on May 15, 2011

Everyone wants to be respected, and everyone wants to be loved.  But more often then not, we as women let ourselves be trampled down and used.  We can find ourselves in a far removed place from the respect that we would like to be shown by those around us.

On the other hand, I have seen many women who demand respect.  They will do anything to get it, even if it means

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


by Lisa

I’ve had lots of people ask me what I think about Facebook and it always leads to an interesting conversation.

As I’ve watch Facebook, Twitter, and many other websites, I have become more and more disgusted with the actions on Facebook and other such sites.  While Facebook makes me wary because of the amount of information people put online, that is nothing