
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Green Smoothie Anyone???

Green Smoothie Anyone???
Posted by Lisa
July 14, 2011

Now some of you might think this is nuts -- others might think it is completely normal -- but, every morning, my family and I drink green smoothies for breakfast!  Yes, this means we put vegetables in our smoothies.  Primarily spinach.  And, no, it is not disgusting.

This morning, I made a smoothie for myself for breakfast
with my brand new Bosch which my amazing family and a few friends gave us for a wedding present.  It has been several weeks since I have had a green smoothie for breakfast as I was without a blender when we first moved to our new location, and it felt SO GOOD to eat something healthy like that again!

Many people just put vegetables and seeds and some almond milk into these smoothies.  This gives the smoothie a "green appearance" such as shown below.

Image Courtesy
I will have to admit that I cannot stand drinking something  My smoothie looks much more like this -- and I find it much more edible and to my fancy:

Image Courtesy
Amazingly, with a good blender, these smoothies are incredibly easy to make!  They are also an excellent source of nutrition for your body and a great way to start your day!  Anyone willing to try them?  Here's the recipe below -- let us know what you think!

Green Breakfast Smoothie Recipe
2 cups packed spinach
2 bananas
1/4 cup frozen orange juice concentrate
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons agave nectar or honey
1 Tablespoon chia or hemp seed
1 Tablespoon heavy cream or almond milk
1/2 cup mixed berries
1 cup ice

Blend very well.  Makes 2-3 large smoothies!

As a side note, there are MANY different recipes for green smoothies, many of which are just as healthy.  However, this is our favorite one thus far, and the primary one we drink every morning.


  1. Cool! I will definitely have to try these. :D Looks delicious!

  2. That looks really good....I should make it some time. :)
