
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


by Lisa

I’ve had lots of people ask me what I think about Facebook and it always leads to an interesting conversation.

As I’ve watch Facebook, Twitter, and many other websites, I have become more and more disgusted with the actions on Facebook and other such sites.  While Facebook makes me wary because of the amount of information people put online, that is nothing
compared to the blatant wrong-doing and fickleness promoted on Facebook. 

Let me show you a couple of examples.  I have a very good friend who I very much respect.  One of the things you do on Facebook is list people as “brothers” and “sisters” be they your brothers or sisters or not.  This friend added a girl as her sister (who was not truly her sister) yet the “sister” (aka a very good friend) was one who openly said that homesexuality should be promoted and condoned.  This is, of course, wrong and this girl was off-handedly supporting something that was wrong and associating herself with wrongdoing by having a close friend who was promoting wrong.  While I am not saying that you can’t have non-Christian friends, it is important that you surround your inner circle with those who do right as it is a reflection of you.

I also discovered the fickleness of Facebook.  While on Facebook, I had several people who said “Oh, you are one of my best friends” or “You are like a sister to me.”  This, of course, made me happy to know that I was loved.  Needless to say it was disappointing and hurtful when, after I closed my Facebook for various reasons, I rarely (if ever) hear from most of these individuals.

To further the fickleness of Facebook, I’ve had many people who tell me that they don’t have time to reply to emails…but I know for a fact that they are on Facebook looking at pictures, playing games, and posting statuses several hours a day.  But they “don’t have time” to keep up a friendship.  So not only is Facebook a perfect way to be fickle, but it is also a way to waste time which could be spent in much better ways.

I’m not saying Facebook is all wrong, at all.  But, it does need to be monitored and used in an appropriate matter.   Facebook can even be used as a good outreach and witnessing tool.  However, you are evaluated by whom you surround yourself; those who you place as close friends (such as a “sister” on Facebook) wears off on you.  Facebook must also be kept in moderation in order for it not to become a time waster or to allow for fickleness.  So while Facebook is not wrong in and of itself, it is important that you don’t use it wrongly and that you watch your actions carefully.


  1. Hear, hear! Just recently Keri and I started what we call our Great Social Experiment, which is basically going without facebook for as long as we can. While we didn't feel it was a bad thing per se, especially how our parents asked us to use it when we first joined (ie: not posting many pictures of ourselves, being selective of those whom we accept as friends, not being friends with young gentlemen in general or keeping those to a minimum) we just felt that we wanted to try life without it. I haven't missed it at all really, and I made sure to give my friends my e-mail so we can keep in touch that way. I like it quite a bit, going without it. :) I feel I do spend less time online, especially not wasting as much but just "being" on Facebook without a purpose.

  2. Good post Lisa, thanks for sharing. Julia

  3. Good thoughts, Krysti! I understand what you are talking about! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks, Julia!
