Monday, October 1, 2012

Recipe Monday - It's Spelled "J-E-L-L-O"

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It's spelled J-E-L-L-O!  Yes, that yummy, unhealthy stuff made of sugar, gelatin and colored junk!  I don't remember the last time I ate JELLO because it's such a rare occasion due to how unhealthy it is.  So why am I making a post about JELLO?  Because I found some really awesome JELLO ideas that were too awesome not to share with someone! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the cool pictures - and then don't let your JELLO craving overtake you!

(In other words, this is a torture post, Mwahaha!)

^^ What an awesome idea!  Turn something healthy into something completely unhealthy!  How creative! 
Photo Courtesy

Credit Unknown
 This might really gross some of you out,
but it made me laugh!  

Photo Courtesy

My favorite!  A JELLO aquarium!  
Photo Courtesy

Wash out Legos/Mega Blocks and then
fill with jello for Lego Jello!

Credit Unknown

          So, now that I have thoroughly tortured you, let me introduce you to a healthy version of Jello. (Well, much more healthy!)  That's right! there is a healthy version and it is delicious!

Find the recipe on this website, try it,
then let me know what you think!  

~ Missy

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