
Friday, September 7, 2012

Discovery Friday - Tablecloth Skirt

        I recently found a heavy duty table cloth at a 2nd hand store that was in excellent condition.   I took it home and immediately turned it into this circle skirt.  Then, I cut up an old dark green skirt of mine and made it into the contrasting hem.  It was really quick, simple, and I really like it!

       Clothing doesn't have to be new nor does it have to be expensive and it most certainly does NOT have to fit in to what our culture says is fashionable. 

          My first goal when I make or buy clothing is that it would be modest and pleasing to the Lord - instead of something that would attract men to look upon me lustfully.  After that, I seek to make my appearance feminine so that there is a defined line between what is masculine and what is feminine and then I chose clothing that fits my own personal and unique style!

I hope you will be encouraged to do the same and maybe even be inspired to try making your own clothes. Try it!


  1. Love it Missy! you did a great job!


    1. Thank you! Now I'm on the look out for more tablecloths. lol

  2. That is so creative and inspiring, thank you. Oh, and I really like your hair :)

    1. Thank you, Eva! I had just arrived back from town and realized that I should take pictures of my skirt so I just took those pictures as I was. That's one of my new favorite hairstyles. Maybe if I get up the nerve I will make a video demo on a few hairstyles sometime. :)

    2. Oh yes, that is a grand idea :)

  3. Awesome skirt, Missy!

    Love ya bunches!

    ~Western Belle

  4. Lovely skirt Missy! It is pretty and simple.
