
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Natural Homemaking: Cleaning (Part 4)

Ready for the fourth part of Natural Homemaking: Cleaning? 

Photo Courtesy 

This one has a dual-purpose.  While I use these for cleaning, these are also my diaper wipes. Yes, I make my own diaper wipes.  It might sound a little weird -- but it works and it is awesome.  (They not only clean different things around my house great, but they also clean my baby up without giving him a diaper rash as he has very sensitive skin!)

I also have to admit that this is not my original recipe...  A friend gave this to another one of my friends who gave it to I do not take credit for this - so I hope it benefits you just as much!

Baby & Cleaning Wipes
1 Roll Paper Towels - must be heavy duty
1 Gallon sized plastic zipper bag
2+ Cups warm water*
2 tsp baby wash
1 tsp olive oil

Cut paper towel roll in half.  Save half of the paper towel roll for the next time you need to make them, and place the other half in the gallon sized bag.  Pour remaining ingredients over the paper towels.  Zip up the bag.  Smash the water mixture around the paper towels.  Pull paper towels out of bag and set bag aside near the other half a roll of paper towels for next time.  Pull out cardboard insert. Pull paper towel out of center to start the roll off.  Put in some sort of container to keep the paper towels moist.  Mine stay moist for about 2 weeks in a normal diaper wipes container.

*While the original recipe calls for 2 cups of water, the maker of this recipe noted that it might need a little more or less depending where you live and what type of paper towels you use.  With my climate and type of paper towels, I usually end up using about 2 and 1/2 cups of water -- but you will need to experiment to see what works for you.

Photo Courtesy

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