
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let God Write Your Love Story

We’ve all heard it. “Let God write your love story.”  And it is a very true statement.  But sometimes I think we forget HOW true.

When we hear that statement, we usually think of God leading us to a person who we get to know, fall in love with, and marry in a Godly fashion.  But it does not stop there.  It goes much further.  Once you are married, you still must let God write your love story by following your husband and living a Godly life in your marriage and as the woman of the house.  When we surrender to God’s commands in the Bible, that is when He is continuing to write our love story.  And when we look at the list, it might not look romantic at first.

Copyright Missy's Photography
 This means that, as ladies, we must respect and listen to (obey) our husbands.

  • It means we must continue to walk in purity.
  •  It means we must love our husbands with all our heart – putting only God ahead of him..
  •  It means we must train up our children to do what is right in the sight of God.
  •  It means that we must not be idle, but instead must employ our hands to do profitable things.
  •  …and there are many other things, as well.

Copyright Missy's Photography
But it is when we follow Him in these commands that our marriage blossoms and it is so beautiful.  It is romantic, because you have a healthy relationship with your best friend, your husband – while following God wholeheartedly.  And once you have accomplished that…you can have a very happy, peaceful, romantic marriage.  

 So next time you hear “Let God write your love story” I hope you aspire to really let Him have control.  But aspire to let Him have control your entire life – even after you are married.  Before you are married is wonderful…but after that wedding ceremony is even better! 

Copyright Missy's Photography

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