
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday Smiles - Hacked - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY!!!!

Today's Saturday Smile Post has been HACKED. . . . yes, that is correct.   You see. . . IT'S MISSY'S 23rd BIRTHDAY!


"Beside a well, one does not thirst. . . beside a sister, one does not despair." - Chinese Proverb

It is hard to even begin to describe the worth of my little sister.  How does one go about telling her exactly how much she means and how much of an inspiration she has been in my life?   Words sometimes just don't do it. 

So, to help describe my little sister, I have pulled some quotes from my Pinterest Board: (Click on the image to be taken to that pin)

Life with you, sis. . . is an Adventure!!!!!

You bring me such happiness, sis!

Wherever you go, you make it beautiful!
This you do . . . 
Your quiet courage inspires me!

We have this hope!

You are beautiful and inspiring. . . I love watching your passion for the Lord!

Dearest Missy. . . my little sister.   God gave you to me for a reason, and I thank Him all the time for you!
  You are my Saturday Smile and my Everyday Smile! Happy Birthday!


  1. Totally agree with your, Chip! Missy is a gem! Happy birthday, dear Twin! Love you lots!

  2. Happy Birthday, Missy! I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day and 23rd year! I've become rather fond of 23 - it's a nice age:)
    Love and blessings,

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Means that you're birthday is just the day before mine--I'm on the 29th of July!


    P.S. I'm glad Saturday Smiles was hacked--a birthday's too special to miss! :)

    1. Thank you, Esther, and happy birthday to you as well!
