
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Natural Remedies: Rosemary Oil

The newest oil I have been learning and research is Rosemary Oil. I want to begin getting it into my normal usage pattern of essential oils and it has so many uses! It is awesome.  So what can Rosemary Oil help with? 
  • Anxiety
  • Hair Care
  • Indigestion
  • Insect Repellant 
  • Memory and Concentration
  • Pain Relief
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Skin Care
  •  ....and guess what? Much more!

Photo Courtesy

 Sounds like a good addition to an essential oil collection, doesn't it? So how are some ways that we can use this oil to treat some of the above issues?  Let's see!

  • Massage 2-3 drops of rosemary oil into the scalp to prevent dandruff and balding.  Essentially, rosemary stimulates hair growth helping those who are dealing with hair loss.  It is also just an excellent routine to maintain healthy hair.  You could also put it on a hairbrush and proceed by brushing your hair.  Whatever works best for you!
  • Inhale rosemary oil (as in sniff...I realized "inhale" sounds a lot more...drastic, for some reason - it may just be my current mood) to increase concentration or memory.  You could put a TINY (less than one drop) underneath your nose to keep the scent with you as one way to smell it.
  • Rub a small amount of rosemary oil (preferably diluted with something like jojoba or olive oil) on your skin to repel insects.  You could also put rosemary oil on cotton balls around the house where insects are more likely to invade to fend them off.
  • By mixing a small amount of rosemary oil with jojoba or olive oil and rubbing it on the skin, it helps to eliminate dryness and maintain healthy skin.
  • Rubbing sore muscles, cramps, etc. (often diluted with some oil) you can increase blood circulation and decrease pain.  This is also useful for the treatment or arthritis.
  • Smelling the scent of rosemary oil can also help decrease anxiety.  However, rosemary might not be quite as good for this as other oils such as lavender.  Experiment to see what works for you!
Photo Courtesy

This will definitely be the next addition to my essential oil collection.  I try to buy one a month so I don't buy too much (spend too much money).  I hope that it encourages you to find more uses for this awesome essential oil!  Happy researching!

PLEASE NOTE: These are only natural home remedies that no professional has reviewed or written.  This is not to take the place of professional medical advice, it is merely to aid you at home.  If you are concerned, it is best to call your doctor and follow instructions given by him/her.

Also, please pay particular attention during use of essential oils in regards to which oils are safe for pregnant women and children.  There are many that should not be used, although some are perfectly safe.  For other important information, please see my May 9th, 2012, post titled "Natural Remedies: Essential Oils."

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