
Friday, June 1, 2012

Discovery Friday - Do It Yourself, Unique Garden Ideas

Welcome to the new series on Pure Femininity - Discovery Friday! 

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         It's gardening season and so I decided to search for new, unique gardening ideas that you can do yourself!
(Well, most of them)

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        Do you have a garden?  I hope that this post gave you creative ideas!  Do you have creative garden ideas of your own? I would love to hear about them!

~ Missy


  1. Wow! Doubt I'd ever find time to do things like that, though. I'm impressed.

    1. I don't have much time either, but I hope to use a few of these ideas if I get the chance! :)

  2. I think that the light bulbs and the tea pots are really cute...well all of that stuff is! It just seems like those would be the easiest to make :P
