
Friday, June 22, 2012

Discovery Friday - Awesome Bunks!

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Do you want to have a big family someday?  I have no idea what the Lord has planned for me in that area, but whatever His plans I hope that they include a lot of kids - whether my own, or adopted!  Well, if I am blessed with such a home, the kids need somewhere to sleep!  I have recently found these awesome bunk beds that would be marvelous for kids!
<< This one is my favorite!!! (Probably just because of the colors though ;)  )

Photo Courtesy
What a fun nook huh?

Photo Courtesy

 Expensive to buy, but it would be awesome to be 
able to build something like this!

Photo Courtesy
I'm not very fond of the colors (probably great for a boys room)
but I love how big this room is!

Photo Courtesy
These aren't bunk beds but what a GREAT kids room! I adore the loft!

Do you have a heart for helping/working with kids?  Tell me about it!

~ Missy


  1. I'm the oldest of 8 children in my family and the 4 oldest all share a room and we have built-in bunk beds almost exactly like the first picture you have!

    1. That is so neat! I think bunks are awesome. I have one in my room ... but I don't share my room with anyone. It has been nice for if someone comes over though. :)

  2. I hope to one day have a huge family (like 20-ish!), so bunk beds would be a great idea. I always liked sleeping in them when I was younger--a novelty!


    1. Big families are awesome. I would like to have a children's ministry someday in which bunks could be very necessary. :D

  3. I love the one with the stairway/drawers. Very cool idea. Plus it would make it easier to make the bed, a job that I utterly HATE with bunk beds!

    I came over from Esther's blog and wandered on to this post, in case you're wondering. :)

    1. Yes! I love that one too! That is the one thing that I don't like about my bunk bed... making it. Ick. lol
      Thank you for visiting us, Ronda!
