
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Smile - They Know Me By My Smile

They Know Me By My Smile

Whether it’s at the library, bank, or any of the other stores around our area that I frequent, I watch as faces brighten whenever I walk through the door.  Why?  Because I started it first!  No matter what I am feeling emotionally at the time, I always pray that the Lord will give me the strength to smile, because I know how powerful it can be.  People in my local area are very familiar with my smile, and now they often beat me at my own game!  Many of them don’t have a clue what my name is, but they do know my smile!

 The smile is a very powerful tool, but one that is seldom used today.  So why not try it and help brighten someone’s life?  You will have your life brightened in return.

~ Missy
Photo Courtesy

In need of a reason to smile?

          Psalm 32:11  "Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart! "

Now that is something to smile about. :)

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