
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Recipe: Baked Oatmeal

With my husband getting up at 5:30am every morning to go to work, I usually am a little too groggy and pressed for time to make him a full breakfast in the morning.  So I look for things that I can make the night before and quickly warm up or simply serve the next morning.

Photo Courtesy

One of our favorites has become the Baked Oatmeal!  It is simple and easy to make and relatively healthy...especially if you make a few changes.  The changes I make are these:

  • Substitute 1/2 cup butter with 1/2 cup applesauce (if you do this, be SURE to grease the pan!)
  • Substitute 1 cup regular milk for 1 cup almond milk
  • Substitute 3/4 cranberries for 3/4 apple chunks
Simply back with these changes and you have an amazing, pre-prepped breakfast! :)  Hope you have many yummy breakfasts in the future!

1 comment:

  1. I finally remembered to copy down this recipe! Now I need to try to make this for my dad and grandpa. I loved it when you made it for me. :D
