
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Google on Femininity

        Recently, while searching for ideas for this blog, I had the brilliant idea (or not so brilliant) to search for the word “Femininity” on Google.  Suddenly, before my eyes appeared the most horrendous words and images.  I closed the browser as quickly as possible but the images had already managed to burn themselves into my mind.  Was this Google’s definition of femininity?  If so, they has missed the mark completely! Despite my highly filtered internet connection, Google had managed to corrupt that word so thoroughly, that I’m not sure if there would have been anything left on the screen if my filter had been more successful at doing its job.  But it was not just Google - Google only displayed the rest of the world’s definition of what femininity is all about.  

Photo Courtesy
Let’s start by getting a few things straight.  Femininity is not about being a girly-girl with pink frills and a  “Don’t break my fingernail” attitude.  Femininity is not about wearing skirts and perfume, nor is it out to prove to the world that women are superior to men.   Google’s definition seemed to be biased around any sort of perversion that had anything to do with a woman’s figure.  But each of these perspectives is wrong.  They have perverted and shown off something that was designed to be very good and very special when between a man and his wife.  Something that had been created to be a very valuable treasure, has been turned into a cheap thing that you can buy at any gas station.

So what is true, pure, real femininity?  The answer to that is something that can never adequately be described by words.  It begins in the heart with a gentle and kind spirit.  Femininity is very difficult to achieve without being able to see a good example of it lived out in real life.  But it is possible.  The biggest problem is, there are so few truly feminine women left.  Some of the most feminine women that I have ever seen have characteristics such as, an un-explainable strength, and yet they are quick to serve others.  Self respect - not in a prideful way, but displayed in such a manner that they know they do not have to show off their bodies to gain attention or value.  Women like these are not just born, they work to become the way that they are.  That is what pure femininity really is - not some perverted thing that makes men act like animals rather than being the men that we truly need them to be.  Femininity may be a very bad word in today’s society, “Pure” femininity is something greater than money could ever hope to buy. 

  ~ Missy 
Photo Courtesy


  1. Like you have said, it is sad to see what the world has made femininity out to be. Sin has twisted everything that God meant to be good. I should stop typing before I go of on a tirade about our generation :P Love your blog :)

  2. Great post! You are so right and I, too, have noticed the culture shift of femininity. :/
