
Monday, November 28, 2011

Home Remedies Notebook

I know we've all been there at some point in time.  That time where you have the chills, a fever, and some sort of virus is plaguing you.  It's a miserable place to be...but oftentimes there are natural home remedies to make you feel so much better WITHOUT taking medicine.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-medicine.  I'm just anti-too-much medicine!  I've had times where I've  been really sick and needed to go on antibiotics and they've helped.  I also have had times where the antibiotics have helped one thing and made my life miserable for months in other ways.  It's all a balance.

There are times when you'll need to go to the doctor...and when
there are those times, you shouldn't avoid the doctor.  But there are also times where you can help yourself and find ways to make an illness or ailment better based on simple steps that you can take at home that often do not require medicine!

Because of this, I created my own "Home Remedies Notebook."

In this handy notebook, I have listed various ailments from fevers to colds to stomach bugs to anemia to mononucleosis to cuts to eczema.  For each one of those ailments, I've created a page that lists the symptoms and various ways to either soothe or cure such ailments through diet, essential oils, herbs, teas, and other simple home remedies!  I have already found this notebook extremely useful just in the short time in which I created it and I love it.  It was so simple to put together.  I printed out each page and put it in the above notebook with page protectors.

It is easy to use and I am thrilled with how it is working thus far.  I still have a lot more information that I hope to put in it, but for right now, it is a great start!

Since I know a lot of people like to know about home remedies, I am going to start the "Wednesday Natural Remedies" series on this blog.  Every Wednesday, I will post an article on a certain ailment, the symptoms, and the natural home remedies and steps that you all can take to either soothe or cure ailments.

I hope they will be helpful to you, and if you have any other remedies, please feel free to share them with all of us as the topics come up!  Starting this coming Wednesday, be sure to check in for the Natural Remedies posts!


  1. How neat! I'm looking forward to reading about this. What a great idea!

  2. Wonderful! I love the Wednesday posting idea!

    (I know it's a bit late but - I approve hehe) ;)

  3. Hehe! Thanks, ladies! <3 And Missy, glad you approve!
