
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Baby Clothing Ideas

So, I have been perusing the price of clothes for babies...and can we just say ridiculous?!  I am not spending $40 on some outfits that my child is going to wear for 3 months.  ::Shakes head::  So....I started thinking.  A lot.  Here is my thought process.

It started with "THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS."  And then I went to for something totally different.  While there I found out that I can get McCall's patterns on sale this week for $1.29.  Then I realized I can get fleece and flannels on sale for 50% off.  Then I realized I had a 25% off coupon for the 4th-6th on sale and full-price items.  I was originally going to use all of these discounts (minus the patterns) on different items for other Christmas presents (which I still plan on doing)....  But....I then started thinking about baby clothes.

So I started looking up McCall's patterns for infants.  And I found some that I REALLY want to try.  These are some of my ideas:

McCall's Patterns: 6426
This is the first pattern I am going to work on.  I am definitely going to make these sacks, as EVERYONE tells me
they are simply wonderful.  The only thing I am not sure if I am going to do is if I am going to make the flaps for the arms on the right.  The actual sack is a DEFINITE yes.  I plan on making at least one of these in a theme we have chosen for the baby.  Now, we are not revealing the gender, so I can't tell you the exact theme and pattern of fabric that I have chosen.  But I am going to do at least one in the baby's theme, and maybe one in a plain, solid fabric.  With my discounts, coupons, and more I think I can make one of these for around $5 (steal of a deal).

McCall's Pattern: 6235
Another pattern I would like to use.  I would like to make some of the sleepers and some of the booties.  I am thinking at least one of each...but maybe two of the sleepers.  If I make two, I will probably do one with the foot-attachment-thingies and one without.  With my discounts, I think I can make these sleepers for about $5-$6 a piece.

McCall's Pattern: 5963

I love this pattern.  A lot.  I definitely want to make the sack with the hood as it is SO cold here in Oregon in the winter with the humidity.  I am used to 60 degrees being BEAUTIFUL with the dry climate of Colorado.  Here, 60 degrees with the humidity is FREEZING.  And we quite often hit those days during October, so I know it will get worse with the winter months.  And since baby is coming in the winter,  I think it will be very valuable.  Plus -- it's just adorable.  I think I might want to make the long sleeve sleep sack, as well...  And maybe just the jacket -- if I have time.  I don't need a blanket, as I am doing a special blanket for Baby with the theme we have chosen.  I will probably do this pattern in solid colors, but we shall see what I find.  I will make the sacks out of fleece.  Again, price should be around $6.

McCall's Pattern: 4236
This is the final pattern I have found for right now that I would like to try.  I would like to make this sleep sack, as well, out of a fleece.  Not sure if I will pick a pattern or a solid...but definitely fleece.  This will be around $5.  Then I would like to make the little outfits with the hand-covers out of a flannel or some sort of soft cotton...maybe a knit, stretchy cotton for a variety.  This will come to around $4.  I may try a sack with hand-covers, too...but I know some babies can't stand those.  However, I don't feel like having my baby scratch him/herself up too much, either.  So we shall see.

I am very excited.  It will take some work, but it is something to do, and it will save a lot of money. I plan on making them in all sorts of different sizes, but for right now I'll focus on the Newborn and Small sizes as I feel those will be the ones I need first.  I am wary to make too much in Newborn as, depending on the size of this little one, the clothes might not last long at all.  But I also don't want baby completely SWIMMING in the clothes I make, either. So those are my baby ideas for right now that I can share without revealing too much about this little one that is growing very fast!

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