
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Me, Me, Me?

Me, Me, Me?
Posted by Lisa

I have noticed the concept of “me, me, me” a lot since I have gotten married….not only in myself, but also in my friends who are married.  Marriage is about giving – on both sides.  Despite that knowledge I sometimes pay more attention to what my husband is giving as opposed to what I am giving.  It is an interesting situation to be in!  

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While I work on that and try not to be selfish, I also see it in the world around me.  I have many Christian friends who
I believe are godly and have great marriages who just don’t seem to get it.  They describe it as the “monotony of marriage or life.”  I have to laugh when I hear that because marriage is anything BUT monotonous as there are always things happening in life.  True, that doesn’t mean all of them are pleasant…some of them just aren’t…but marriage is certainly not monotonous! 

I hear friends complain about the fact that they haven’t been able to go on a date with just their husband in two weeks…but every evening they have together at home, and aside from the normal 8-5 that their husband’s work, they get to do activities and be together.  Others will complain that their date night got pushed back three days because of a little hiccup in work so that their husband has to work until 7.  Others will mourn the fact that they cannot find a babysitter once a week or once a month for a date with just their husband, so instead they have to stay in the house, cook a nice meal, and watch a movie while baby sleeps.

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Wow…  What a hard life.  Or is it?  While I want to spend as much time with my husband as possible just like every other married girl does, doesn’t that seem a little ridiculous?  We are given amazing lives and we complain about it.  We are given precious people in our lives (like children) and we try to get rid of them so we can do fun things without them.  We are given jobs that make it so that we can enjoy other things in life without hardships and yet we are all too quick to say they get in our way.

I don’t have a right to complain.  Sometimes, I do though…way more than I should.  I have a husband who has a job in the military that causes him to be gone about 2 weeks at a time…generally half the month with little to no technology in which communication is possible.  Even then, I have to remind myself that I have it so much easier than those who have loved ones overseas fighting to protect our country. However, having never lived by myself before let’s just say it is QUITE an adjustment…and I don’t really like being by myself.  But, on the plus side, it only makes life SO much sweeter when he does get to have a day job that allows him to come home at night half the month. 

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Sometimes I find myself wishing to be one of those girls who could complain that her husband just was 2 hours late from work instead of counting the days until my husband is home.  But on the other hand, I am very thankful for the schedule that my husband does have because it doesn’t let me get caught in that trap of wanting everything to go perfectly.  Getting caught in the trap of thinking life is monotonous…because to me, welcoming my husband home after a two week trip is anything but monotonous!  I am so thankful for every second I just get to be with him instead of feeling that I need nice dinners and special pampering in order to make life seem better than it was the day before.  That doesn’t mean that trap doesn’t suck me in at times…but it does mean that I am more aware of things that I, personally, think make it harder to fall into that trap.

All that to say…how are we acting today?  Are we acting selfishly and always wanting something better?  Or are we thankful for the life that God has given us and every precious moment we get to spend with loved ones?  Are we thinking about me, me, me or are we thinking about how to give to our families and make life more enjoyable for all?  Are we upset about minor kinks in our perfectly designed schedule or are we glad that God has filled it with work and the joys of home life?  What are we thankful for today?

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