
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Preparing Your Footsteps to Follow a Path

Preparing Your Footsteps to Follow a Path
Posted by Lisa on March 28th, 2011
As humans, we have many life decisions to make.  It is important that we align our footsteps with those paths which God has designed girls and women for.  I have found that I have a little different strategy when compared to many.  I have found two sets of people: those who believe that a woman should have only a career, and those who believe that a woman should only remain at home.  In my life, I have combined the two.  I have attended college and am within two months of, Lord willing, gaining my Bachelor’s of Science.  Work-wise, I have worked in a variety of locations.  I worked for four years at a coffee house, seven years as a piano teacher, nearly a year as an Enterprise intern, and over a year as a university teacher’s assistant.  However, despite my work, I still believe that a woman’s primary focus must be at home, since that is what the Bible teaches.

A huge encouragement to me has been Proverbs 31.  It really explains how a woman should act.  It shows how a woman should focus on providing and caring for her household, but also makes it very clear that she was a very intelligent woman, who made business decisions, and worked hard with her hands.  One does not need to be, and should not be, extreme.  However, in our society, you oftentimes run into girls and women who have the two extremes.  Those who believe you should only have a career forget about the importance of family.  Those who believe that you should only be a housewife forget about a very important aspect of what a woman was designed for – to be a helpmate to the one man who God has created you for.  To be a helpmate, that means you have to prepare yourself in a variety of ways;  oftentimes that means you can go to college to learn a useful trade, or you can find an area of work which you can learn to do with your hands.  And honestly – what if you never get married?  Or what if your husband someday needs help providing or solving a problem?  You don’t want to be caught unawares, and you definitely don’t want to fail if someday your husband or someone else in your family needs help and you can’t provide it because you didn’t prepare yourself.

I am not saying that a girl must go to college.  However, I am saying, a girl must further herself.  A girl must prepare herself so that she can handle life and not only be waiting for her knight in shining armor.  So many girls simply expect to finish the minimal amounts of school (3-4 years of highschool) and then wait around until they meet some guy who is enamored with them and gets swept off her feet.  **pause**  Well, sorry, ladies, but that’s unrealistic.  A guy WANTS someone who can help him, who he can respect, who is not afraid of hardships, and someone who he knows is capable.  A girl should be willing to prepare herself in such a way that a guy does respect.  A guy wants a girl who is a hard worker and can be a helpmate, someone he can have intellectual conversations with, as well as fun with.  The romance novels of a helpless, waiting lady being rescued by her knight are really quite unrealistic and dangerous as it sets a girl’s expectations and hopes in a very false and unhealthy direction.

So, before I get way too long-winded, here is a challenge for you ladies.  How are you preparing yourself?  Be it for your current family or a future family, we are not to remain idle.  What are you doing to prepare your footsteps? 

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