
About Us

About Missy

Hello everyone and welcome to Pure Femininity!  My name is Hannah but I usually write under my nickname “Missy” which is a name I was given when I was sixteen.  I am currently 23 years old and live in the state of Washington.  I have had a huge interest in photography for several years and just recently started my own small photography business, “Missy’s Photography.”  I still live at home with my parents and sister, Corrie (or Chip), and do my best to help out around our small farm.

Through the years I have been continually learning more and more about becoming a Godly woman and discovering just how important it is to stand up for true femininity in a world where the lines of masculinity and femininity are continually being blurred together.  I believe that God created men and women to look and act differently and to have distinctly different rolls from one another.  I’ve become a part of Pure Femininity because I believe it’s time to stand up and bring back true Godly womanhood into our culture.

About Sarah

Hello everyone!  My name is Sarah, and I am in my twenties.  I live in a small coastal town with my husband, the best guy in the whole wide world.  My family is back in Colorado, where my amazing parents and three younger siblings live (my mother-in-law, father-in-law, and two sister-in-laws also live there, along with the majority of my friends).  I am newly married and adjusting to life as a wife and homemaker, and learning to be apart from my family who I lived with for a couple decades.  My husband and I also are proud parents of a precious baby boy born in February of 2012 -- we love him so much!  I am very happy to be in this new stage of life and hoping to learn as much as I can in a Godly fashion.

I have a passion for encouraging young ladies and girls to do what is right - not only in purity and femininity, but also in Biblical doctrine.  This is the main reason I joined with Chip & Missy to bring this website together (and also because I love their company!).  I enjoy working with my hands be it on the computer, sewing, crafts, cleaning, farm work, etc.  Although my life is busy, I hope to remain actively involved with this blog, and pray that it might be some encouragement to you.

About Chip

Corrie or “Chip”, is 25 years old and the best big sister any little Missy could ever ask for!  Corrie is the one who originally came up with the idea of Pure Femininity which is now finally rolling into motion several years later.

Corrie works part time as the office manager of a small, home restoration business and also is now in training to become an accordion teacher.  Aside from that she is also an amazing writer and costume designer with a creative imagination that can design just about anything!

Though she would be the first to say she’s not perfect, Corrie has been a huge inspiration of true femininity and Godly womanhood to people around her.