
Friday, November 16, 2012

Discovery Fridays: Thanksgiving Decos

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching! It is a beautiful time of the year, and while I believe we should be thankful each and every is nice to have a holiday dedicated to thankfulness.  My husband's parents and sisters will be visiting us for this holiday, and I wanted to make the time special and memorable.  I wanted to decorate...but I didn't want to have to pay an arm and a leg for decorations.  So here are some creative things that you could do for very little money to make this upcoming holiday special. :)

Why not make a beautiful fall wreath - with paper and glitter?  It is definitely much cheaper than most wreaths you could buy.  I also love this one as it is unique, sparkly, and, yes, inexpensive. :)

Photo Courtesy & Tutorial

What about making a garland with leaf shapes spelling out "Give Thanks," "Be thankful" or something similar? It is very inexpensive and a simple afternoon project.

Photo Courtesy & Tutorial

Many people have vases, popcorn (unpopped), and candles lying around the house.  Why not combine these for a beautiful centerpiece?  Check out this (and other) decoration idea from My Heart's Desire!

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

Simply Vintage Girl has an amazing idea of a "Thankful Tree."  I love this idea and hope to implement it this year.  Ever played that "game" (for lack of a better word) where everyone goes around the table before the Thanksgiving meal stating something they are thankful for?  I've got to admit, I was never a fan of that game.  Not because I'm not thankful, just that by the end everyone was coming up with crazy and silly stuff because they didn't want to be repetitive.  I also just don't like talking in front of people, and I know many people are the same way.  So why not set up a thankful tree where everyone can leave their thanks.  This allows for a beautiful decoration, a place to leave thanks, and, when people have nothing else to do, it would be fun to read about what other people wrote!

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

Something cute to hold utensils is also a great idea, and the Idea Room came up with a winner (at least in my book).  This could work for both plastic and regular utensils, and it would just add a little spice to the table or buffet.  I am definitely going to print these out and use them for this holiday season!

Photo Courtesy & Free Printable

What are some of your ideas for this Thanksgiving? I hope that you all have a wonderful, thankful season!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Discovery Fridays: Kiddo Gifts

For my last installment on kid gifts, I thought I'd hit a broad range of age here... Some of these can be used for little kids and big kids, but they were just a couple more ideas I found and really wanted to share!

I can remember being a little girl and really wanting to have beds to put my stuffed animals and dolls in.  So why not make some sleeping bags for their special toys?  Creative, inexpensive, easy, and just plain fun!

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

If you know a family that is often on a road, a portable checkers game is an excellent idea! This idea from Stacy Vaughn is brilliant! (I don't know where some of these people get their ideas -- but I wish I was that creative!)

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

As a little girl, I can remember wanting to cook with my Mom all the time.  She made me an adorable little apron that I still have to this day.  I am sure any little girl would love an apron like this! And if you changed the themes, some boys might even want to help Mom cook, too!

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

So there are a few more hand-made gift ideas for kids! What other ideas might you have for all the different ages?  Happy crafting!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Discovery Fridays: Toddler Gifts

Last week we came up with a few ideas for baby gifts... And this week I thought we could look at a few toddler gifts along the same lines! Hope you enjoy more gift project ideas! :)

Quiet books are amazing.  They are quiet and keep the kid quietly playing with his book.  They can be very simple...or completely beautiful.  For my little boy, I so want to make him a beautiful quiet book.  I believe my Mom and sister may help me with some of the pages and that will make it even more special!  One lady has come up with some AMAZING quiet book pages and patterns - and I do hope to use some of them. :)  Here are her links, but I think the idea of a quiet book is just to be creative... Use your imagination and have fun! Most likely, the toddler will love it no matter what!

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

As a toddler, kiddos can definitely begin to learn their letters.  But a toddler is less likely to be interested when sitting down with a book and studying.  So why not make all the letters out of fabric scraps.  The toddler will be entertained by the bright, fabric letters and Momma will be thrilled to have the toddler learning at the same time!

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

At the toddler age, little people love coloring.  But, quite honestly, combating that flimsy cardboard box can be trying and impossible.  So why not make a cute crayon tote?

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

Want something a little larger, extravagant, and certain to bring squeals of delight?  Make your own tent out of hula hoops and sheets! I can't wait for when my little one is old enough to use this idea!

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

How about something that allows a toddler to have their own "space" while out and about...but is also very cute and useful? Moms might like this one, as well, as it has a distinct purpose! Create a nap mat! :)

Photo Courtesy & Idea Source

What other ideas do you have for toddler gifts?  We'd love to hear some of your thoughts!

Video Blog - How to Make a Swirly Hair Bun

I rarely ever put my hair up in a swirly hair bun
without someone asking me how I do it - 
and so I finally decided to make a
video to show others how.  :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What Do You See? By Guest Writer, Emily

What do you See?
From Guest Writer, Emily
I recently watched a DVD that taught me a very good lesson. The DVD was an old-fashioned story about a man who had an awful lot of problems! He was about to lose his land because there was an awful drought which meant he couldn't grow anything on his land and make any money to pay his bills. His well dried up, so he had to haul water from the river. When he tried to dig new wells, he just hit rock. Secondly, his wife died of scarlet fever. Then his young daughter caught their house on fire trying to make dinner.
He was complaining about all his problems to his father. His father took him up to the top of a hill which overlooked his house and land. The father said to him, What do you see?” All the son could see was the dry fields, his land that he thought he was going to lose, the house that had nearly burned down etc. His dad said to him,”That's your problem. All you see are the bad things. You don't see all the blessings that God gives you.” Their discussion went on further, but I learned a lesson right here. 
When we look at things in our life, what do we see? When we look at our parents, what do we see? Do we just see their mistakes and faults? Or do we see all their good points (which are usually far more than their faults)? When we look at our family, what do we see? Do we see how annoying they can be sometimes and all the ways that they could be nicer and better? Or do we see the things that we can appreciate? When we look at our school or schoolwork, what do we see? All the work that it takes? Or the big blessing that we are able to learn and get education when there are many in the world who never can? When we look at our church, what do we see? Just the things that we think should be done differently or that ways that it could be much better? Or are we thankful for the good things?
This was a lesson for me! When I look at my home, what do I see? Lots of never-ending work?! Or a lovely place that God has provided us with? When I look at my children, what do I see? Dirty nappies, noise, interrupted sleep etc?! Or do I see the fun they bring, their cuteness and the joy they are? When I look at my husband, what do I see?! His few faults? Or the great blessing and help that he is?
Sometimes it's like we are wearing dark sunglasses and everything seems so dark and gloomy! But if we would just take them off, we would see the sun and the blue sky.
Let's be thankful and focus on the positive things, and then pray about the negative things! It will make a world of difference.
Focus on the good things!
“In everything give thanks.”

To Follow Emily, please visit her blogs here: