
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Your Body - a Temple of the Holy Spirit

Your Body – a Temple of the Holy Spirit
Posted by Lisa
Written September 17, 2011

In the teenage and early twenty years, I’ve seen so many girls lose their health.  They push themselves to be “like the guys,” go to college, work hard, volunteering, help with the family, and all around just take on too much for themselves.  Now, please don’t get me wrong – aside from the “be like the guys” part, ALL of those activities are excellent activities that are actually extremely important.  But there is a point when you have to say no and when you have to take a break.  Ultimately, we forget to take care of ourselves.

Image Courtesy
Now you may think I am preaching to the

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Hello Ladies!

So with life calming down (hahaha!) one of our goals is to get this website back up and hopping.  However, that is alllllll subject to be a little iffy, as we still have a lot going on -- families to take care of, babies on the way, housework, school, projects, etc.

But we would LOVE to hear what you would like to see more of!  What would you like to see on Pure Femininity?  Is there anything you would like changed?  What would like to see more of?  What are your favorite parts? 

Even if you are not subject to commenting, we would love to know that you read this blog and what your favorite parts are!

Please lend us your feedback.  Just leave us a comment and hopefully we can get this website running a bit more again!  Articles will be posted soon!!!

God bless,

The Pure Femininity Team

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Institute for Creation Resource

Does anyone like to start out their day with neat thoughts about our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ?  I know I do!  And the Institute for Creation Resource (ICR) has a very neat daily mailing that comes straight to your inbox with incredibly neat thoughts.  I know I have been very encouraged by them for nearly a month now, and always look forward to seeing what they have to say in the morning!  True, it is still written by a fallible man, but their thoughts are very insightful and full of Scripture -- but always check what they say with what your whole Bible says!

If you are interested, feel free to sign up -- it is free!  Just go to this link here: and enter the required information. The next morning, you will begin receiving their very encouraging daily email updates!  I hope you will be blessed as I have!